Discover a magical underwater world with Poseidon's Kingdom 8" X 8" Paper Pack from 3Quarter Designs. This collection captures the beauty and mystery of the ocean with vibrant blue and green tones featuring Poseidon and beautiful mermaid designs paired with the designer's signature mixed texture look, creating the 3Quarter Designs unique and versatile much-loved look. Perfect for documenting your ocean adventures and preserving cherished memories. The Poseidon's Kingdom collection includes a 12" x 12" Scrapbook Collection, an 8" x 8" Paper Pack, a 6" x 6" Paper Pack and a 4" x 6" Card Pack. All sold separately.
Poseidon's Kingdom 8x8 Paper Pack
Product Info
12 single sided 8" X 8" papers with vibrant blue and green tones featuring magical underwater themed designs with Poseidon and beautiful mermaids and includes a page featuring "Poseidon's Kingdom" elements and ephemera to be fussy cut with images of mermaids, coral, shells, a crab, a starfish, seagrass and more
Designed and printed in New Zealand.